How to convert integer or float type to string type in Python

Why converting integer or float to string in Python?

In Python, converting an integer or a float to a string is often necessary for the following reasons:

String Concatenation: To concatenate an integer or a float with a string, you need to convert the integer or float to a string first.

Formatting Output: To include an integer or a float in a formatted string, you need to convert it to a string.

Converting integer or float to string using str() function

In Python, you can convert an integer or a float to a string using str() built-in function.

Please take a closer look at the following example:

Example of str() function

Output of the above example
Converted integer to string: 1225
Converted float to string: 123.45

Converting integer or float to string using formatted strings (f-strings)

In Python, you can convert an integer or a float to a string using formatted strings (f-strings).

This is especially useful when you want to include values in a larger string.

To create a f-string, first write f"" and put your text inside the double quotes.

The f-string allows you to embed expressions inside curly braces {}. In the following example, int variable x is placed inside the curly brace: f"Integer {x} is converted to string"

Please take a closer look at the following example:

Example of formatted strings (f-strings)

Output of the above example
Integer 55 is converted to string
John is 42 years old and his height is 1.76 meter

Live Code Playground

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