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Python Code Examples for Practice
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Practice how to print "Hello World" in Python
Practice how to add single-line comment in Python
Practice how to add multi-line comment in Python
Practice how to declare variable in Python
Practice how to create different data type variables in Python
Practice how to get data type of variable in Python
Practice how to convert integer or float types to string types in Python
Practice how to convert string data to integer or float types in Python
Practice how to concatenate (join) multiple strings using '+' operator in Python
Practice how to capitalize the first letter of a string in Python
Practice how to convert all characters of a string to uppercase in Python
Practice how to convert all characters of a string to lowercase in Python
Practice how to convert the first character of each word of a string to uppercase in Python
Practice how to remove leading and trailing whitespaces in Python
Practice how to replace a substring of a string with specified string in Python
Practice how to get length of a string in Python
Practice how to create a list in Python
Practice how to use a list as an array in Python
Practice how to sort list elements in ascending order in Python
Practice how to sort list elements in descending order in Python
Practice how to get random elements from a list in Python
Practice how to shuffle elements of a list in Python
Practice how to get a random string from a list in Python
Practice how to get a random integer number from a list in Python
Practice how to generate a random number in Python
Practice how to create a set in Python
Practice how to create a tuple in Python
Practice how to create a dictionary in Python
Practice how to join strings of list element using join Method in Python
Practice how to use if conditional statement in Python
Practice how to use if...else conditional statement in Python
Practice how to use if...elif...else conditional statement in Python
Practice how to create switch like statement in Python
Practice how to use while loop in Python
Practice how to use for loop in Python
Practice how to loop through a list using for loop in Python
Practice how to loop through a range using for loop in Python
Practice how to create and call a function in Python
Practice how to create and call a function with return type in Python
Practice how to create and call a function with parameter in Python
Practice how to create a class and its object in Python
Practice how to create a class constructor with parameters in Python
Practice how to inherit a class in Python
Practice how to create a method in a class in Python