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CSS Code Examples for Practice

Practice how to add inline CSS to an HTML element
Practice how to add internal CSS to a web page
Practice how to add (link) external CSS style sheet file to a web page
Practice how to apply CSS style using HTML tag name
Practice how to apply CSS style using HTML id attribute
Practice how to apply CSS style using HTML class attribute
Practice how to add single-line comment in CSS
Practice how to add multi-line comment in CSS
Practice how to set color to the text of a web page using CSS
Practice how to set color to the text of an HTML element using CSS
Practice how to set text color using id and class name in CSS
Practice how to set background color to a web page using CSS
Practice how to set background color to an HTML element using CSS
Practice how to set background color to div element using CSS
Practice how to set border to div element using CSS
Practice how to set border style width and color to a div element using CSS
Practice how to set color to different border lines of div element using CSS
Practice how to set margin to an HTML element using CSS
Practice how to set margin at the top of an HTML element using CSS
Practice how to set margin at the left of an HTML element using CSS
Practice how to set margin at the right of an HTML element using CSS
Practice how to set margin at the bottom of an HTML element using CSS
Practice how to set margin at all sides of an HTML element in a single line using CSS
Practice how to set padding of an HTML element using CSS
Practice how to set padding at left of an HTML element using CSS
Practice how to set padding at top of an HTML element using CSS
Practice how to set padding at right of an HTML element using CSS
Practice how to set padding at bottom of an HTML element using CSS
Practice how to set padding at all sides of an HTML element in a single line using CSS