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JavaScript Code Examples for Practice
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HTML Code Examples
Practice how to write JavaScript code in an html page
Practice how to link JavaScript file to an html page
Practice how to add a single-line comment in JavaScript
Practice how to add a multi-line comment in JavaScript
Practice how to declare JavaScript variable
Practice how to declare data type variable in JavaScript
Practice how to add numbers in JavaScript
Practice how to subtract numbers in JavaScript
Practice how to multiply numbers in JavaScript
Practice how to format (template) string in JavaScript
Practice how to divide numbers in JavaScript
Practice how to get remainder of division in JavaScript
Practice how to increment numbers in JavaScript
Practice how to decrement numbers in JavaScript
Practice how to use exponentiation in JavaScript
Practice how to get square root in JavaScript
Practice how to get π (PI) value in JavaScript
Practice how to round a float number to the nearest integer in JavaScript
Practice how to generate random integer number in JavaScript
Practice how to create a function in JavaScript
Practice how to create a function with parameters in JavaScript
Practice how to create a function to add two numbers in JavaScript
Practice how to create JavaScript Object
Practice how to combine(concatenate) two strings into one using the + operator in JavaScript
Practice how to combine two strings into one using concat() function in JavaScript
Practice how to return the character at the specified index in a string in JavaScript
Practice how to return a section of string from a string in JavaScript
Practice how to return a sub-string from a string in JavaScript
Practice how to replace a specified substring with another string in JavaScript
Practice how to convert all characters in a string to uppercase in JavaScript
Practice how to convert all characters in a string to lowercase in JavaScript
Practice how to remove whitespace from both ends of a string in JavaScript
Practice how to check if a string contains the specified characters in JavaScript
Practice how to convert an array into a string in JavaScript
Practice how to split a string into an array of substrings in JavaScript
Practice how to return index of the first occurrence of a specified text in a string in JavaScript
Practice how to return index of the last occurrence of a specified text in a string in JavaScript
Practice how to return index of a specified text in a string in JavaScript
Practice how to return an array of a specified text in a string in JavaScript
Practice how to return an iterator of a specified text in a String in JavaScript
Practice how to return an iterator from an array in JavaScript
Practice how to iterate an iterator using while loop in JavaScript
Practice how to check whether a string starts with the specified text in JavaScript?
Practice how to check whether a string ends with the specified text in JavaScript
Practice how to check whether a string starts with the specified text at an index in JavaScript
Practice how to loop (iterate) through an array in JavaScript
Practice how to loop (iterate) through an array using foreach() method in JavaScript
Practice how to loop (iterate) through an array using map() method in JavaScript
Practice how to loop (Iterate) through an array using for..of loop in JavaScript
Practice how to get current date and time in JavaScript
Practice how to get current local format date and time in JavaScript
Practice how to get current date as string in JavaScript
Practice how to get current time as string in JavaScript
Practice how to create a custom date and time in JavaScript
Practice how to get year, month, date and time separately in JavaScript
Practice how to get weekday name in JavaScript
Practice how to get month name in JavaScript
Practice how to add a month to a date in JavaScript
Practice how to add days to a date in JavaScript
Practice how to find difference between two dates in JavaScript
Practice how to format a date as regional date in JavaScript
Practice how to use if conditional statement in JavaScript
Practice how to use if..else conditional statement in JavaScript
Practice how to use if..else if conditional statement in JavaScript
Practice how to use switch statement in JavaScript
Practice how to use while loop in JavaScript
Practice how to use do...while loop in JavaScript
Practice how to use for loop in JavaScript
Practice how to use for..of loop in JavaScript
Practice how to use for..in loop in JavaScript
Practice how to use set in JavaScript
Practice how to use map in JavaScript
Practice how to create a class in JavaScript
Practice how to create a class method in JavaScript
Practice how to create a JSON string in JavaScript
Practice how to convert a JSON string into a JavaScript object in JavaScript
Practice how to convert a JavaScript object into a JSON string in JavaScript
Practice how to create a JSON string array in JavaScript