What is variable in Python?
In Python, a variable is an user defined name that is used as a container to store data values.
Variables are used to store and manipulate data in Python program.
The data type of a variable in Python needs not to be specified explicitly.
In Python, you can declare a variable by simply assigning a value to a variable name.
The interpreter automatically determines the data type based on the value assigned to a varibable.
Declaring variable in Python
Declare a variable name message
and assign the text message "Welcome to Python World"
using assign operator'='
as shown in the following example.
Use Python built-in 'print()'
function to display the message in the output.
Please take a closer look at the following example:
Example of Python Multi-line Comment
Output of the above example
Welcome to Python World
The output displays the variable value.
Creating more variables of different data types
Declare a variable name age
and assign integer number 25
using assign operator'='
Declare a variable name height
and assign float number 1.75
using assign operator'='
Please take a closer look at the following example:
Example of Python Variables
Output of the above example
John is 25 and his height is 1.75