How to add line break in an HTML page

What is a line break?

In HTML, a line break is used to start a new line within the text and maintain a space between two HTML elements. Line break is essential for formatting the contents of webpages as it increases clarity and readability of the webpage content.

To create a line break, you can use either <br> or <br/> HTML tag.

Example of Using Line Break

In the following example, we have a paragraph (<p>) element containing text - 'There will be a break from here.<br/> The line after the break.'. But a line break has been inserted using the <br/> HTML tag before 'The line after the break'. As a result of using <br/> HTML tag, 'The line after the break' will be displayed at a new line. Let's have a closer look at the following example:


Output of the above example

There will be a break from here.
The line after the break

Example of Using Line Break Between Two HTML Elements

In the following example, we have two paragraph (<p>) elements containing text - 'There will be a break from here. The line after the break.' and 'The above gap is due to the use of break. <br> or <br/> tag is used to create a line break.' But a line break has been inserted using the <br/> bwtween two paragraph elements. As a result of using <br/> HTML tag, there will be a space between two HTML elements. Let's have a closer look at the following example:


Output of the above example

There will be a break from here. The line after the break.

The above space is created due to the use of break tag. <br/> tag is used to create a line break.

Live Code Playground

In the following HTML code editor, you can practice the above code by updating or adding new HTML code. Click the 'Run Code' button to render the code; the rendered page will be displayed in the following HTML Code Output frame. Practice until you become comfortable and proficient with your code.

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