What is HTML Paragraph?
In HTML, paragraph is used to define a paragraph of text. You can add text paragraph to your webpage using HTML paragraph element.
HTML <p> element is used to create a text paragraph in a webpage.
Example of Creating HTML Paragraph
Just place your text between <p>
and </p>
tags, a paragraph will be create with the text in your webpage.
In the following example "This is an example of HTML paragraph element" text is placed between the <p>
and </p>
tags to create a paragraph as shown in the following example:
Example of HTML Paragraph
Output of the above example
Example of Paragraph
This is an example of HTML paragraph element.
HTML paragraph element is multiline paragraph. Depending on your text length, it will automatically adjust the space and line to display multi-line paragraph where requires.
Remember, each paragraph element creates a new line and paragraph is displayed as block.