About String Join() Method
In Python, the join() is a string method that concatenates (joins) elements of an iterable such as a list or a tuple into a single string.
A specified separator is used to join the elements of an iterable (list or tuple).
Join elements of an iterable using join() method
Join List Elements
1. Create a list with string elements (str_list = ["Apple", "Banana", "Cherry", "Orange"]) where str_list is a variable and ["Apple", "Banana", "Cherry", "Orange"]
are elements of list.
2. Apply string join() method with a string separator (str_separator = ", ") and pass the str_list variable as argument to the method. Then assign it to joined_string variable. The code will look like this "str_separator.join(str_list)
". Use print() function to print the string.
Please take a closer look at the following example:
Example of joining list elements
Output of the above example
The joined string is: Apple, Banana, Cherry, Orange
Join Tuple Elements
1. Create a tuple with string elements (str_tuple = ("English", "Math", "Physics", "History")) where str_tuple is a variable and ("English", "Math", "Physics", "History")
are elements of tuple.
2. Apply string join() method with a string separator (x_str_separator = ", ") and pass the str_tuple variable as argument to the method. Then assign it to joined_tuple_string variable. The code will look like this "joined_tuple_string = x_str_separator.join(str_tuple)
". Use print() function to print the string.
Please take a closer look at the following example:
Example of joining tuple elements
Output of the above example
The joined string is: English, Math, Physics, History