How to Do Examples
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HTML Code Examples
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Online Editor
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C++ Code Editor
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HTML Code Editor
CSS Code Editor
JavaScript Code Editor
Practice how to create headings in HTML
HTML Online Editor
Run Code
More HTML Sample Codes
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Headings of HTML Page</title> <!-- Title of the page--> </head> <body> <!-- elements of the body will be displayed --> <h1>Examples of Headings</h1> <hr/> <!-- There are 6 headings in HTML--> <h1>This is an example of <h1> heading </h1> <!-- h1 is the largest --> <h2>This is an example of <h2> heading </h2> <h3>This is an example of <h3> heading </h3> <h4>This is an example of <h4> heading </h4> <h5>This is an example of <h5> heading </h5> <h6>This is an example of <h6> heading </h6> <!-- h6 is the smallest --> </body> </html>